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The making of a dragon and her baby sculpture

This page shows the creation of Firky's dragon and her baby sculpture being made from clay. The work is started with an idea which normally then becomes a vision in Firky's head. If time permits, the clay is out as soon as possible and being formed into the basic shape. Often, the original idea changes slightly as the shape is formed.

Making-of-a-dragon and baby sculpture first picture

Once the basic shape is formed, the sculpture is left to dry.

Making-of-a-dragon and baby sculpture second picture

When the clay is dry the detail is then started.

Making-of-a-dragon and baby sculpture third picture

Great care is taken as the detail is scraped into the very fragile clay.

Making of a dragon and baby sculpture fourth picture

Making of a dragon and baby sculpture fifth picture

Making of a dragon and baby sculpture sixth picture

Making of a dragon and baby sculpture seventh picture

Making of a dragon and baby sculpture eighth picture

Making of a dragon and baby sculpture ninth picture

Click here to view and or purchase finished dragons